OverviewPlease join the EastWest Institute and the Parents Circle for a screening of Two Sided Story, a 2012 documentary directed by Tor Ben Mayor and produced by Families Forum, the Israeli Production Company 2SHOT and the Palestinian News Agency MAAN. The documentary follows the poignant process experienced both by Israelis and Palestinians, while learning and acknowledging the personal and national narrative of the other. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Robi Damelin of the Parents Circle, a grassroots organization for bereaved Palestinians and Israelis. Damelin will discuss her conversations with the Palestinian man who killed her son. Originally from South Africa, Damelin will also speak about her return visit to learn more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a possible model for resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. BackgroundThomas Lynch — RSVP to tlynch@ewi.info AgendaThu, 2012-10-04 18:00 - 20:00