Global Security
EWI excels in anticipating trends in key global security areas. Our Global Cooperation in Cyberspace program exemplifies how we bring together government leaders with policy creators, the corporate sector and innovative thinkers in a joint effort to address cyber crime, encryption, risks from connected devices, and to promote norms of responsible behavior in cyberspace and more secure ICT products and services. Our Global Security Pillar also oversees prospective efforts to address other multi-lateral, multi-party security issues, including Countering Violent Extremism, and Economic Security, including conflicts around Food-Water-Energy.
News | 09/23/2020
Media Coverage | 04/20/2020
Media Coverage | 06/11/2019
Media Coverage | 05/15/2019
Blog | 05/09/2019
Blog | 05/09/2019
News | 04/16/2019
Media Coverage | 11/06/2018
News | 07/18/2018
News | 04/10/2017
Media Coverage | 10/24/2016
Commentary | 01/06/2016
Media Coverage | 09/17/2015
Media Coverage | 06/15/2015
Media Coverage | 06/15/2015
News | 04/23/2015
News | 12/04/2014
News | 02/21/2013
Media Coverage | 01/31/2011
News | 09/30/2010
Commentary | 09/22/2010
Commentary | 05/03/2010
Media Coverage | 06/16/2009