
Migration is intensely debated—in Africa, Europe and elsewhere. People and governments are divided on how best to deal with the migration issue. As migration continues, both within and out of Africa, so does the pressure to address it and subsequent issues, such as countering smuggling, facilitating integration and repatriation. To do this effectively and sustainably, policymakers and practitioners must be well informed to avoid potentially far-reaching negative consequences of a political, social and economic nature.

On Wednesday, November 6, the EastWest Institute Brussels Centre will host—in cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation—a conference on various approaches to address migration and forced displacement, providing case studies on good practices in responding to refugee crises and reflecting on the EU’s programmes on migration in Africa.

Migration experts from the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) will share their latest research findings and subsequently discuss them with experts from the EU.

The ISS is an African applied policy organisation that partners to build knowledge and skills that secure Africa’s future. It works to enhance human security as a means to achieve sustainable peace and prosperity. The ISS has offices in South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Senegal, and has staff based across other capitals in southern, central, west and north Africa. It is a long-standing partner of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.