
On August 12, the EastWest Institute’s (EWI) South Asia program and Corporate Pakistan Group (CPG) will host a webinar discussion on South Asia’s Economic Future in the Post COVID-19 World.” 

The webinar will bring together a distinguished panel of experts to share their perspectives on the impacts of COVID-19 on South Asian economies and how the region can work towards improving its socio-economic conditions in the post-COVID world. 

Please click here to view the webinar promo for more information.


Bruce McConnell
President, EastWest Institute 

Dr. Shamshad Akhtar
Chairperson, Karandaaz 

Dr. Jagannath Panda
Research Fellow, MP-IDSA, New Delhi 

Nathan Sivagananathan
Co-Founder, Hatch; Venture Partner, Patamar Capital

Ikram Sehgal
Chairman, Pathfinder Group

Farwa Aamer (Moderator)
Director, South Asia Program, EastWest Institute