Firestein Media Coverage of 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign
On February 5, 2016, EWI Perot Fellow and Vice President David Firestein appeared on the Voice of America Mandarin Service television program Pro and Con to comment in Chinese on the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. In the first half of the program, Firestein offered analysis of the ongoing U.S. Democratic and Republican Party primary elections and the national sentiments underlying them. The second half of the program focused on the rise of populism in both U.S. and Chinese politics, with Firestein speaking on comparisons between the leadership visions of U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders and that of President Xi Jinping in China.
Firestein, who oversees EWI's China, East Asia and United States Program, has also spoken at length about the evolving 2016 U.S. presidential campaign on a number of Chinese media outlets.
Here's a round-up of web coverage:
愛荷華州初選史上最激烈 誰是真正贏家?
February 5, 2016 (IN CHINESE)
Recorded on January 29 and aired on February 5, 2016 (IN ENGLISH)
Appearing on the talk show Zooming In, Firestein commented on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's decision not to take part in the final Republican presidential debate before the Iowa caucuses, as well as the ongoing controversy surrounding Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's use of private email servers during her tenure as the U.S. secretary of state.
Consensus Media Group/TenCent
方大为用中文分析美国2016年总统大选 - David Firestein Analyzes 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign in Chinese
Published on January 29, 2016 (IN CHINESE)
Read the coverage on the front page of the Consensus website here.
VOA Mandarin Service
美国专家:台湾大选结果 美国并不意外
January 16, 2016 (IN ENGLISH)
Firestein discussed Taiwan elections and U.S. policy toward Taiwan.
Firestein also discussed this year's U.S. presidential elections on Consensus here and here. Both are in Chinese.