Joint U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghan Narcotrafficking

Event Report | February 27, 2014

A new report summarizes EWI's fourth meeting of its Joint U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghan Narcotrafficking, which took place in Brussels, Belgium from October 12-14, 2013. 


A joint working group of U.S. and Russian experts, convened by EWI, met for the fourth time last fall to continue discussing ways the United States and Russia can coordinate efforts to counter Afghan narcotrafficking. The meeting, held in Brussels, focused primarily on prospects for U.S.-Russian coordination in increasing security at Afghanistan's borders in order to curb the outbound flow of opiates. This report is a summary of the group's discussions and will be followed by a consensus report with specific recommendations for policymakers on border security around Afghanistan.

This U.S.-Russia working group released Afghan Narcotrafficking: A Joint Threat Assessment last year and plans to publish in the future a series of reports with specific recommendations for U.S. and Russian policymakers on countering the trafficking of narcotics from Afghanistan.

Click here to download full report: Joint U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghan Narcotrafficking


Photo Credit: U.S. Embassy Kabul Afghanistan