White House WMD Chief Speaks at EWI Seminar on Iran
News | June 23, 2010
On June 22, 2010 the EastWest Institute held an off-record discussion on Nuclear Proliferation and the Challenge of Iran with Dr. Gary S. Samore, Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, Proliferation, and Terrorism. Participants included senior representatives from permanent missions to the United Nations, UN officials and members of the European Parliament and Russian Duma.
The discussion touched upon:
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929, the June 2010 resolution imposing new sanctions on Iran, as the basis of new coordinated national and international measures;
- The impact of the Iran's recent agreement with Brazil and Turkey and its effect on international efforts to engage Iran; and
- The potential role of missile defense systems in the context of Iran’s evolving missile program.