This Week in News

News | March 15, 2013

This Week in News is the EastWest Institute's weekly roundup of international affairs articles relevant to its areas of work.

 “Russian Judge Delays Trial of Dead Lawyer,” New York Times, March 11,2013.

Two-Thirds of Russians Support Banning Foreign Adoptions – Poll Interfax – Moscow, March 11, 2013 

U.S. Demands China Block Cyberattacks and Agree to Rules” The New York Times. Mar 11, 2013. 

China offers to discuss cyber security with US” Reuters. Mar 12, 2013.

"Guns and Butter: How to Prevent a Nuclear Arms Race in Asia" Albert B. Wolf, World Policy Blog. March 13, 2013

China’s Xi Jinping charts a new PR course” The Washington Post. March 13, 2013.

China’s New Leader Takes Full Power in Delicate Balancing Act,” The New York Times. March 14, 2013. 


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Compiled by Michael McShane, Athina Doutis, Alex Schulman and Haolin Liu.