Tewodros Ashenafi Featured in Reuters and Financial Times
EWI Board Member Tewodros Ashenafi, CEO of Southwest Energy (HK) Ltd, was featured prominently in recent articles from Reuters and the Financial Times.
Both articles covered the potential for future energy production in Ethiopia, an area where SouthWest is actively engaged.
On April 7, the Financial Times reported that, while he concedes that significant energy exploration and production in the country remain years away, Ashenafi maintains that "private equity is out there and looking for opportunities such as ours.”
In a Reuters article posted on April 8, he asserted that Ethiopia "has huge potential and is very underexplored. The Jijiga basin alone is 367,000 square kilometres. That's larger than the North Sea, and there have only been 50 wells drilled."
Earlier this year, Ashenafi appeared with regional experts at an EWI event hosted by Gallup in Washington to discuss energy prospects in East Africa.