
The Task Force will develop practical mechanisms to build domestic and international political will to shorten the time between "early warnings" and "early responses" to violent conflicts.

Click here for more information about the International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy website

 The Task Force will build on previous work; address the cracks in the current conflict prevention architecture; advocate for increased capacity building; help mainstream and institutionalize conflict prevention; foster the coherence of ideas and instruments; and advocate for determined and consistent action.

An international group of 15 highly recognized experts in conflict prevention launched the Task Force Core Group. The Group receives support from a High-Level Advisory Group of eminent persons and draws on a pool of conflict prevention practitioners and scholars. The Task Force plans to mobilize a broad constituency of representatives of governments, international organizations, media, business and civil society, and serve as an advisor, initiator, innovator and advocate for preventive diplomacy. EWI is the Secretariat of the Task Force.

For more information, please visit the International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy website, http://www.preventivediplomacy.org/