
This discussion is the third installment of our Building a Platform for Moderates series is part of the EastWest Institute’s Countering Violent Extremism Initiative, which is being supported by Donald Kendall, Chairman Emeritus of the EastWest Institute and a former Chairman of Pepsi Co. This event will be held in Partnership with the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta.

The Countering Violent Extremism Initiative is examining how religious identity plays a role in public life, and we are working towards developing a truly global perspective. Violent extremism takes many forms, but some well-known examples use religion as a key marker to enhance and further their agendas. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the global phenomenon of violent extremism and how it relates to religious leadership.

A few discussion topics have been chosen to explore how this particular community views these issues and have been used in prior sessions. This process, if successful will be duplicated at a variety of locals in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia in order to draw upon the lessons, guidance, and experience of different communities. Feedback from these communities is being logged and synthesized for reporting at years end. The discussion is by invitation only.