
A Conversation with Lieutenant General John Nicholson, Commander, Allied Land Command, NATO, Izmir, Turkey

Friday, April 24, 2015 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EDT
EastWest Institute | 11 East 26th St., 20th Fl., New York, NY 10010

A light lunch will be served.

In 2014, major European security crises emerged on two fronts–Russia/Ukraine and the appearance and expansion of ISIS in the Middle East:

  • The rift between the West and Russia is a post-Cold War turning point for NATO. Russian military exercises and troop build-up on the Ukraine border have unsettled Eastern European members of the Alliance.
  • ISIS is fighting on NATO’s border. As Turkey is a member of NATO, ISIS represents a credible threat to a the alliance member.

Lt. Gen. Nicholson leads all NATO land forces in Europe, with operational responsibility for land-based threats. He will provide his perspective on how these two ongoing crises are impacting NATO and the Land Command and possible responses.

Click here to read Lt. Gen. Nicholson's full bio.