Firestein Talks "China in U.S. Presidential Election"
Below are some of the latest apperances by David Firestein to discuss the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the portrayal of China.
In this video, Firestein spoke at Michigan State University on September 23 on "Framing the Dragon: China in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign Discourse." Drawing upon history and original research, he outlined the evolution of how U.S. presidential candidates in recent years have framed China in their campaign discourse.
On September 28, Firestein appeared on NTDTV's Chinese-language current affairs program Focus Talk. Firestein commented on the results of the first debate of the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and answered questions about the candidates' stances towards China.
On September 30, Firestein appeared on Focus Talk, a Voice of America Mandarin Service current affairs program, to comment about the first Presidential debate. Speaking in Mandarin, Firestein commented on the importance of the presidential debates for the voter in revealing the qualities they look to most in a presidential candidate. In addition, Firestein emphasized the stark contrasts that the Republican and Democratic candidates have thus far presented to the voter, both in character and policy.
On September 30, Voice of America interviewed Firestein to discuss motivations behind the support of certain Chinese American groups' support of the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump. Joined by Robert Daly, Director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, Trump Campaign's Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee Advisor Cliff Zhonggang Li, and sociologist Xiaoxia Gong, Firestein highlighted that Chinese Americans share common considerations as other Americans.