Global Commission Launches Public Consultation on Proposed Norms
The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace started a public consultation process on its new Norm Package, published on November 8, 2018, featuring six new global norms to help promote the peaceful use of cyberspace. The norms were developed with the express purpose of being adopted by public and private sector actors towards creating an architecture to improve international security and stability in cyberspace.
The intent of the feedback prosses, launched on December 17, is to encourage and facilitate feedback from external stakeholders on the current deliberations of the Commission, in particular on the proposed norms considered here. Once public comments have been received, the GCSC Consultation team (consisting of the GCSC Secretariat and Chairs of the Research Advisory Group) will collect and present the received comments to the GCSC Commissioners at the next GCSC meeting in Geneva at the end of January 2019. The GCSC may consider to implement the suggestions and/or feedback at any time, but is likely to focus on including any potential changes in the GCSC Report to be published by Q1 2020.
You can learn more about the consultation and submit your comments on the GCSC website.
Launched at the Munich Security Conference in February 2017, the GCSC is a group of 28 prominent, independent leaders in cyberspace from 16 countries, including Chair Marina Kaljurand (Estonia) and Co-Chairs Latha Reddy (India) and Michael Chertoff (USA). Its mission is to enhance international peace, security and stability by developing norms and policy proposals to guide responsible state and non-state behavior in cyberspace.
It aims to bring the knowledge, expertise and perspectives of private actors and civil society, including the technical community and academia, into the traditionally state-led dialogue in international peace and security in cyberspace, to reflect the multi-stakeholder reality of this space.