
The EastWest Institute will host its annual Global Cooperation in Cyberspace Progress Roundtable, at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in Palo Alto, California, on September 3-4, 2019.

The Global Cooperation in Cyberspace program anticipates future security risks, defines the outlines of potential conflict, and brings together the people who can do something about it. It aims to make measureable progress towards three goals: promoting improved defenses to act as deterrents by increasing the costs and reducing the rewards of malicious cyber activities, advocating for limits on offensive cyber capabilities, and enhancing operational collaboration across borders and among adversaries. Overall, EWI's Global Cooperation in Cyberspace program seeks to reduce conflict, crime and other disruptions in cyberspace and promote stability, innovation and inclusion.

The roundtable will open on the afternoon of September 3 with sessions on rising “technology nationalism” and ensuring accountability in cyberspace. We will continue on September 4, beginning with a set of lightning talks on cyber cooperation and international security challenges. This will be followed by two in-depth discussions on contested information, where participants will explore challenges associated with moderating online content and discuss proposals for dealing with various types of contested information online. The roundtable will close with a broader review and planning for EWI’s cyber program, with sessions on promoting norms of responsible behavior in cyberspace, increasing security and safety in IoT-connected cities, and understanding and insuring systemic cyber risk.