Regional Security

Roundtable on Iran’s New Foreign Policy

The EastWest Institute’s Brussels Center hosted Dr.Mohammad Kazem Sajjadpour, advisor to Iran’s Foreign Minister on Strategic Affairs, at an off-the-record roundtable  on “Iran’s New Foreign Policy and Prospects for Relations with Europe” on March 18.  

Approximately 30 participants attended from European institutions, diplomatic missions, the media and academia. Dr. Sajjadpour outlined the basics of Iran’s foreign policy, its conceptual framework, its continuity as well as new elements, and the apparent readiness of the Rouhani government to engage proactively with others in what is a very dynamic international environment. The Q&A segment focused on global and regional issues, as well as on the domestic background of Iran’s foreign policy. Parliamentary elections will be in 2015. Dr. Sajjadpour confirmed that progress on nuclear issues is a priority for Iran, and that his country will continue to be a regional power defending its security interests.  He also outlined recent positive developments in Iran’s relationships within the region.   



EWI Participates in The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States Conference


The EastWest Institute was invited to attend the 9th session of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) Conference, held in Tehran, Iran on February 19-20, 2014. 

The invitation was conveyed in light of the institute’s work with members of parliament from around the globe, through its Parliamentarians Network for Conflict Prevention (PNCP) that boasts some 150 members from 42 Muslim and Non-Muslim countries. The 9th session of the PUIC Conference provided an opportunity to strengthen ties with delegations from a variety of countries across the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia.

EWI was represented at the event by Ambassador Beate Maeder-Metcalf, vice president for regional security, and Agnes Venema, the coordinator for PNCP.

Russia and Allies Towards Post-2014 Afghanistan


On Thursday March 6, 2014, Senior Research Associate of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Marcel de Haas will launch his report on Russia and Allies – Toward Post-2014, Afghanistan.

Click here to view full report: Russia and Allies – Toward Post-2014, Afghanistan


Afghanistan Reconnected: Creating Momentum for Regional Economic Security


The EastWest Institute (EWI) convened “Afghanistan Reconnected: Creating Momentum for Regional Economic Security,” the fourth Abu Dhabi Process Meeting addressing economic security in Afghanistan post-2014, in Berlin at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), on April 9-10, 2014.

The objective of this consultation was to review progress on the recommendations since 2013 and to map out a forward-looking agenda for 2014 and beyond. 

Addressing economic security in Afghanistan post-2014, the EastWest Institute (EWI) convened in 2013 a series of high-level consultations on the economic potential of Afghanistan and the region, also known as the “Abu Dhabi Process.” 

High-level representatives of governments, parliaments and the private sector from the region and beyond—including Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, the United States and Europe—as well as from regional and international organizations, participated in these consultations. 

Sponsored by the Governments of the United Arab Emirates and of Germany, these consultations identified opportunities for economic growth both in Afghanistan and in the region, and recommended short and long term measures to reconnect Afghanistan with neighboring countries through economic cooperation

The meeting was conducted under the Chatham House Rule, with the participation of selected media.  


Read the event's Summary and Recommendations report. 

The Year in Conflict and Peace

With the New Year approaching, several EWI staff and fellows offered their lists of what they believed were the most significant events of 2013.

Agnes Venema, Program Coordinator, Parliamentarians Network

Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons

The chemical weapons attack by Syria against its population did not come as a surprise. The subsequent involvement of parliaments to share the decision-making burden as to whether to intervene or not is a relatively new trend post-Iraq. The UK saw proposals for military intervention voted down in parliament, and opposition in the U.S. Congress was also strong.

Snowden Revelations

Parliaments around the world are calling for the national security agencies to be reined in after Edward Snowden leaked confidential information on spying activities by the NSA. Parliaments are demanding more information from their national security agencies; they want to be better equipped to monitor the work of the government.

Iran Elections

The election of a more moderate president who is willing to reach out to the West had an enormous impact on the geopolitical dialogues in the broader Middle East. Not only did it open up talks on Iran’s nuclear program, but the European Parliament views this as a step in the right direction and returned this week from their first official delegation trip to Iran in six years. 

Croatia joins the European Union

After a long period of preparation, 2013 marked the year in which Croatia finally joined the European Union. Croatian membership marks the beginning of a new era for the European Union, signaling a willingness to welcome more countries from the former Yugoslavia in the future. It is a step closer to achieving the aspirations of the Union: to be the largest and most successful peace project.


Michael Zumot, Program Associate, Regional Security

Morsi is Booted Out

Following mass protests for and against Egypt’s President Morsi, Army Chief General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi ousted Morsi and suspended the constitution. This was followed by mass protests and ever -growing division between Morsi supporters and opposition. 

Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons

Opposition groups claimed that hundreds were killed when Assad forces used chemical weapons against the rebel’s strongholds in the Damascus countryside. This was the tipping point that eventually led to the U.S.-Russian-Syrian agreement on the dismantling and destroying of Syria’s chemical weapons—Syria’s only strategic weapon. 

No Longer on Hold

For the first time in three decades, American and Iranian leaders spoke directly to each other. In September, a phone conversation took place between newly-elected Iranian reformist President Hassan Rohani and President Obama. 

Increased Bloodshed in Iraq

2013 saw the worst bloodshed in Iraq since 2008. Nearly 6,000 Iraqis were killed by sectarian violence and suicide attacks.


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Unlocking Afghanistan’s Potential

Third Abu Dhabi Process Meeting takes place in New Delhi. 

The EastWest Institute convened “Afghanistan Reconnected,” an Abu Dhabi Process Meeting on Afghanistan’s investment potentials, in New Delhi at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s (FICCI) Federation House, on November 19-20, 2013. The conference addressed key challenges and opportunities for investment in Afghanistan after the 2014 withdrawal of international forces. High-level representatives, including Afghanistan’s Finance Minister Dr. Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal and India’s former Foreign Minister Kanwal Sibal, as well as additional participants from India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, U.A.E., Turkey, the United States, the EU, Central Asia, Iran and China, attended.

For full report click here.


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